ABI Education Services, LLC is a consulting business that addresses the educational needs of children, adolescents and young adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one type of acquired brain injury as are concussions, mild brain injuries, anoxia, and strokes. ABI can be caused by accidents, falls, physical assaults, choking, brain tumors, meningitis, toxic exposure, infectious diseases, and drug and alcohol abuse. ABI is the leading cause of death and disability in children, 0-4 and adolescents, 15-19. An ABI can be a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), which is caused by an external physical force or can be a Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (NTBI), which is caused by internal occurrences. The incident rates of ABI directly correspond to students in the primary and secondary school settings as well as young adults transitioning into post-secondary life.
While medical advances have increased children’s capacity to survive a brain injury, it is equally important to provide the necessary supports and services (as guaranteed under the federal law, IDEA) to help these children to thrive after injury. In-school support and appropriate accommodations has been an overlooked area of need. ABI Education Services, LLC is aimed at helping to educate professionals, schools, parents, and attorneys on the implications of brain injury on student’s lives and the in-school services and supports necessary to help improve their quality of life.
While the terminology surrounding the different types of brain injury can be confusing, most, if not all brain injuries impact an individual’s level of functioning: physical, emotional, behavioral or psychosocial. The impairments that result from ABI are not limited to physical deficits. A less obvious, but more predominant effect of ABI is related to behavioral and emotional or psychosocial problems. Behavioral impairments occur to some degree with all brain injuries and have a tendency to get worse rather than better over time if the behavior issue is not effectively addressed through appropriate intervention techniques.
ABI Education Services, LLC provides consultation services to parents, schools, professionals, paraprofessionals and lawyers on the implications of brain injury on a child’s life. Its goal is to help direct in-school services and supports, including transition services into post-secondary life, to help accommodate the individual in relationship to his/her physical, cognitive and psychosocial needs. ABI Education Services, LLC’s mission is to be an advocate for children, adolescents and young adults with brain injuries in order to help them lead successful and productive lives after their injury.
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“I have known Dr. Katherine Kimes for over 10 years. She is one of the most remarkable educators I know working with children, adolescents and young adults with acquired brain injuries. Dr. Kimes is an excellent speaker, teacher, personal coach, and consultant. She brings a unique set of skills that are rarely found in other professionals.”
— Ronald C. Savage, Ed.D., Chairman, North American Brian Injury Society (NABIS)

Katherine Kimes is a gifted writer who has that rare talent of being able to communicate complex information in a way that immediately makes sense to readers. As an expert in the effects of acquired brain injury on a student’s ability to learn and function in school, she is a terrific resource for both educators and parents.
- Marilyn Lash, President Lash and Associates Publishing/Training Inc.